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New Episode: Minisode #6 - Play in My World
Oh snap! We got a new episode of Misadventures of Whole Fool and is that Whole Fool packing his bags! Where could he be going and what exactly is going on? Make...
Introducing Q&A episodes of MoWF!
Alright! We have the first truly new episode of Misadventures of Whole Fool! Whole Fool was asked awhile ago if it was possible to be a half fool and Whole Fool...
Newish Episode: Episode #2
Got another episode of Misadventures of Whole Fool right off the presses. It looks like Whole Fool is getting a visit from his old friend, Mr.Ant. I wonder what...
Newish Episode: Minisode #1 - Hater Ballots
I'll be honest... This didn't age too well. I came up with this episode after elections when everyone was going back and forth over votes. Didn't expect to anyo...
New Episode: Minisode #5 - Crisp
Got that new Misadventures of Whole Fool right off the presses! This isn't exactly new as in I did this episode about a week ago and put it on Instagram as a jo...
New Episode: Minisode #4 - Stuck
The newest episode of Misadventures of Whole Fool is hot off the press and this one is dedicated to my wife. We've been married for two years and she is the rea...
Found the Easter Egg in Episode #1! Win a Prize!
I'm surprised no one has found the easter egg I placed in the first episode of Misadventures of Whole Fool. I know someone will mention it when they see so the...
New Episode: Episode #1 - Time Hater
What's up everyone! A new episode of Misadventures of Whole Fool has been released and you can view it now on Youtube. Be sure to check it out and tell me what...

Welcome to the Misadventures of Whole Fool discussion board. Not only will you find a complete episode guide with links to all avaiable episodes, you can come and talk about all misadventures that Whole Fool is having and even give comments, suggestions, and/or concerns regarding said misadventures.

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  3. We encourage foolishness, but don't be an idiot
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Here you'll find all the credits for Misadventures of Whole Fool. Graphics: Minifantasy Assets by Krishna Palacio Twitte...
started by Asix Dec 14, 2020
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This is a list of all the available episodes of Misadventures of Whole Fool and the links to watch them. Each episode is...
started by Asix Dec 10, 2020
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